There's a lot of noise flying around about the future of Lotusscript (again). Here's my take.
Lotusscript the language as implemented by the Lotusscript compiler has been near-dead for years. NOT dead in the sense that it will be removed from the product but in the sense that there have been so few significant enhancements since R4. There have been some library additions but the language itself has changed less than any other langauge that I use.
What does this mean for the Eclipse Lotusscript editor? Not much. The editor still sends the code as text through JNI to the same old compiler. Don't expect language enhancements just because there are newer and better tools. While I welcome the new tools, I would rather have a better language. Unfortunately, that ship has sailed for Lotusscript.
What I'd like to see but was convinced in Orlando will not happen: Use one or more of existing langauge implementations for the JVM. I'd like to see IBM work through the Not Invented Here and intellectual property issues. IBM uses Jython as a scripting language for Websphere. Groovy is one of the two languages used to build applications with Websphere SMash. The other is IBMs own implementation of PHP for the JVM.
Speaking of IBMs own implementations of languages for the JVM, we have XPages javascript, which is a good example of why I would like to see IBM use existing implementations and STOP building everything in house. XPages javascript is years behind the Javascript in your browser, especially if you use Firefox. (see javascript 1.6/E4X, 1.7, 1.8)
These languages allow you to leverage Java to any extent needed such as domain objects, performance, APIs for third parties, etc. What about "just learn Java"? Yes, by all means..I did, but just as with XPages, a JVM hosted scripting language is often the right tool. (see Ola Bini on Fractal Programming).
Having a powerful, class-based OO scripting language would also reduce the class->prototype->class impedance mismatch that developers moving to Java from Lotusscript have to deal with when using Javascript. I'm not arguing against Javascript, I love the language, but it would be nice to have a class-based OO option (OOption :-?).
The APIs to integrate these language implementations with Java are in Java 6. A tutorial on how to use the Dynamic Language Toolkit Framework to build Eclipse tooling for them was recently published on developerWorks.
XPages for the client may surprise me. I hope so. And for web apps, the browsers are moving toward other language implementations. Imagine the Run On Server/Client option for Ruby or Python.
This really wan't much about Lotusscript. That's because there's not much to say except "Thanks for the Eclipse tools, they're sorely needed and appear to be very well done".